Saturday, March 13, 2010

Playing in the snow

After viewing Joy's and Havalah's post about the snow and ice, I thought we should post these pictures of our excursion to the snow. Althought it has hardly snowed here in Olympia we can always find and inch or two or (600 hundred ) here at Mt Rainier. This sledding hill was perfect for the boys as they could aim themselves and take out each other or some stranger with no real damage. I think that's Colin heading toward his mother and Conner.

Yes, it does get deep here. These snow caves really captured the boys imagination. Someday they will get to dig one of these with their scout troop and sleep in it (ok..lay awake) all night. I did it last year except I pitched my tent. I'll bet Anjuli has better pictures of this event!


Havalah Turner | Sisters, What! said...

i wish we could have sent some of our snow to lacey.

Harmony said...

My oldest did his first Scout campout Friday night at Scofield Reservoir west of Price. They pitched tents instead of digging caves, but I think they would have frozen no matter what. He definitely didn't sleep well. But that's the definition of a Klondike, isn't it?!