Saturday, November 21, 2009

Making a hole to the sky...

One of our wonderful trees died this past year and in the process this lovely evergreen turned a marvelous shade of red and then shed its pine needles. This left us with the need to cut it down. Living in the northwest where there are so many tall, tall trees I found this experience like making a hole to the sky. Here is the new sky we can enjoy.

As you can see the tale is told in reverse as the pictures posted in that order. (Someday I will figure this out like my girls...)

There is nothing like a big fire at the end of a Saturday to clean up the refuse and settle ones soul.


Tate drove in last evening and got the honors of doing the deed. He did a great job, dropping the 85 foot tree right where we wanted it. Counting the rings we figured it was approximately 65 years old. It would have been sad to do this if the tree wasn't dead already.

This tree greeted our friends and family for the 14 years we have lived on Joelle Lane. Now they will enjoy with us a little more sky. If you look real close you might see the little squirrel that lived next door. It isn't Bosky.


Joy said...

What is it with guys we are dating cutting down trees. I guess that is a point toward Tate...

Can't wait to enjoy the hole in the sky with you.

Howard Burton said...

Yes, I thought of you and Zac's adventure with that tree.
FYI, the stump from that tree, that held up the mail box all these years dissolved last month and Becky moved away the remainder...