Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grateful for our moms...

Just a note of appreciation and amazement...

This Sunday eve I have enjoyed reading the blogs of our family. They include new exciting video shots of Abbey Burton teaching one and all the principles of the gospel (if we could just understand her celestial tongue); a revelation that Colby Fry is as cute as ever even without his lovely hair... and that the Pennsylvania crew are enjoying the good life on the front row of "Wicked"?... and they are gambling to get there.

We do appreciate your photos and your commentary. As I noted on Joy's blog the glimpses of your lives helps us to know a bit more of your experience even as it makes the heart ache in missing you all.

Mom noted again her love for all you in her testimony today. Grateful for your good choices and your service.

I must admit that we miss you. Even as we are humbled by your courage and hard work to prepare and to serve.

I am enjoying a new book, Ancient Futures bu Helena Norberg-Hodge. It is her observations on the lifestyle of a people, the Ladakh, that live in the region near Kasmir bordering India and Pakistan. The book tells a wondrous story of a people that were living a happy, hardworking "sustainstable" life until they were discovered by western civilization. I was impressed with the closeness of the families and communities. Their personal confidence that the author ascribes to the love and attention of their families; their traditions and a hardworking togetherness of their old villages and towns. As noted things have changed for them as they have experienced western civilization via tourists and modern technology (TV). What were a happy and contented people is now a struggling civilization as their youth are being educated (taught to read and write but not how to live and feed themselves at 12000 feet in a really harsh part of world (like their ancesters have done for hundreds of years). There is obviously many lessons in this book at many levels.

I mention here in appreciation of my families and the culture of the church and culture that has been a blessing to us to encourage the traditions and truths that have blessed our family. Most notably the dedication of our women to choose the path of motherhood and stay home to give our children the roots and foundation that give all of us a sense of worth and confidence of being loved. I know I am grateful for my mother who gave me and my siblings her life willingly and with such love. Becky has proven in so many ways her equal as she has worked so diligently and lovingly for our children. Now to see your families thrive and grow with good fathers and mothers I am indeed grateful. We are truly a wealthy and blessed people.

Thank you for your efforts to raise good children... do remember that your parents and grandparents showed you that true happiness will be found within your families and homes.


Joy said...

It was a drawing not a raffle...a raffle implys that one paid to put their name in. Must I bring up the "Ticket" incident?

Havalah Turner | Sisters, What! said...

thanks dad. It is always wonderful to hear you and mom write your feelings. We miss you guys a ton, more then ever.

Harmony said...

Nice to read your thoughts Uncle Howard. Thanks for the encouragement to stay-at-home moms. There are days we need all we can get!